Wednesday 29 November 2023

IELTS Speaking questions from Dubai, UAE – November 2023

IELTS Speaking New Questions Dubai UAE November 2023

Our student IM took IELTS in Dubai a few days ago and her examiner asked the following questions in the Speaking test.

Did you know? IELTS Speaking test questions and topic areas are known to repeat in every corner of the world! This is why preparing for the most recent Speaking questions is very effective and increases your chances of success. Give these questions a try – answer them and record yourself. Then listen to your recording and check for gaps in vocabulary or words you may have mispronounced.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Where are you from?
– Tell me about your home country.
– Where is it located?
– What kind of films do you like?
– Why do you like this kind of films?
– If given the opportunity, what kind of film would you direct?
– Did you go to the movies as a child?
– Did you go alone or with friends?
– How do you enjoy your free time now?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a recent party that you enjoyed. You should say

– when it happened
– where the party was
– whether you met any friends there

and explain why you enjoyed that party.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Are parties really necessary, in your opinion?
– Should people invite their neighbours when they have a house party?
– Should all parties have loud music playing all the time?
– What types of parties do you like? Why?
– How do you feel when you’re at a party?
– What would you do if the neighbours complained about your noisy party?
– What can people do to make their party less noisy?

The post IELTS Speaking questions from Dubai, UAE – November 2023 first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Tuesday 28 November 2023

IELTS test questions from India – November 2023 (Academic Module)

IELTS Academic New Questions India November 2023

Thanks to two lovely subscribers, JN and AD, we know that the recent Academic IELTS exams in India and Bangladesh were the same. Here are the writing questions, as remembered by the two test takers:

Writing test

The chart below shows the percentage of the UK population who consumed the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables in 2002, 2006 and 2010.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Recent IELTS question Writing Task 1

* Note: this isn’t the actual chart given in the test, it was recreated for the purpose of demonstration.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Some people say that too much attention and resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Read the Speaking questions from Bangladesh here

The post IELTS test questions from India – November 2023 (Academic Module) first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Monday 27 November 2023

IELTS Speaking questions from Bangladesh – November 2023

IELTS Speaking New Questions Bangladesh November 2023

Our subscriber RS took IELTS in Ghana last week and was asked the following Speaking questions.

Try and answer them no matter what country YOU are taking the test in, because Speaking questions are known to repeat all over the world.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you like in your work?
– How many hours do you work in a week?
– What was your aim in life when you were young?
– Could you concentrate in class when you were in school?
– Are you able to concentrate in a noisy environment?
– What do you do to concentrate in a noisy environment?
– Are you an ambitious person?
– Do you have any future plans for your personal life?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a piece of clothing that you enjoy wearing. You should say

– what it is
– when and where you got it
– how often you wear it

and explain why you enjoy wearing it.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– What type of dress do you prefer?
– Do your friends also like your choice in clothes?
– What are the differences between fashion choices of older and younger people?
– Does the weather affect the type of clothes people wear in your country?
– When do people dress formally in your country?

The post IELTS Speaking questions from Bangladesh – November 2023 first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Friday 24 November 2023

IELTS test questions from Taiwan – November 2023 (Academic Module)

IELTS Academic New Questions Taiwan November 2023

Our kind subscriber YJ from Taiwan remembered the following Speaking questions after taking IELTS a few days ago.

Writing test

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Some people believe that the purpose of education is to make individuals useful to society, while others think that education should help people pursue personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Where are you from?
– Have you ever received a great gift?
– Are you good at choosing gifts?
– What do you consider when choosing a gift?
– What films do you like to watch?
– Did you watch films often when you were a child?
– Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?
– Do you go to the cinema often with your friends?
– Do you consider going to the cinema a good way to spend time with friends?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a sportsperson / athlete you admire. You should say:

– who the person is
– how you know him/her
– what he/she has achieved

and explain why you admire him/her.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– What are some qualities that an athlete should have?
– What is the most popular sport in your country?
– Should students have physical education and do sports at school?
– Is talent important in sports?
– Is it easy to identify children’s talents?
– Can talent emerge later in life, or is it mostly evident from a young age?
– Can hard work compensate for a lack of natural talent in sports?

The post IELTS test questions from Taiwan – November 2023 (Academic Module) first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Wednesday 22 November 2023

IELTS essay, topic: In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining (reasons and solutions)

IELTS Model Essay Sample Band 8 November 2023

This essay topic was seen in recent IELTS test in Sri Lanka.

In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining. Why do you think this is happening? How can this issue be solved?

The alarming decline in biodiversity, particularly in the number of animals and plants, is a matter of global concern. It seems to me that the main culprits are habitat destruction and climate change, which, in turn, suggests that investing in conservation, working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and raising global awareness would likely help arrest this worrying trend.

Firstly, habitat destruction stands as the most substantial factor contributing to the reduction in wildlife populations. Urban expansion, deforestation, and agricultural encroachment have drastically diminished the available natural habitats of many species. This loss of habitat not only reduces the number of species but also disrupts the area’s ecological balance, leading to further decline. Additionally, climate change, fueled by global warming, is restructuring ecosystems at a pace faster than many species can adapt to. The consequences of global warming include an escalating frequency of extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and shifting temperature patterns, all of which have catastrophic effects on both flora and fauna.

However, I firmly believe that it is possible to mitigate these issues. As a primary response, stringent conservation policies must be implemented and enforced. This includes establishing and maintaining protected areas and enforcing laws against illegal wildlife trade. Secondly, addressing climate change is paramount. This would involve global cooperation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, alongside local and individual efforts to expand green spaces and support reforestation. It is also imperative to include public awareness and education as crucial steps in any conservation initiatives.

In conclusion, the decline in animal and plant populations is primarily due to habitat destruction and climate change. To combat this, a combination of conservation efforts, climate action, and public education is essential.

Teacher’s feedback:

This essay has all the prerequisites of Band 8 level writing.

Task Response: Band 8
The essay effectively addresses the task by discussing the primary causes of the decline in animal and plant populations and proposing solutions. The causes (habitat destruction and climate change) are clearly identified, and the proposed solutions (conservation policies, addressing climate change, public awareness, and education) are well-developed. The essay maintains a clear focus on the topic throughout.

Coherence and Cohesion: Band 8
The essay is well-organized, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that develop ideas logically, and a concise conclusion. There is good use of linking words and phrases to connect ideas and sentences (e.g., Firstly, Additionally, However, In conclusion). The progression of ideas is smooth and easy to follow.

Lexical Resource: Band 8
There is a good range of vocabulary used, including terms specific to the topic (habitat destruction, ecological balance, greenhouse gas emissions). The language is generally precise, and the writers uses varied and complex sentence structures.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: Band 8
The essay demonstrates a good range of grammatical structures. There are a few minor grammatical errors (e.g., “an increasing frequency” could be improved to “an increasingly frequent”). The sentence structures are generally varied, contributing to the overall quality of writing.

Submit your essay for correction and find out how to improve your Writing score.

Click here to see more IELTS essays of Band 8

The post IELTS essay, topic: In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining (reasons and solutions) first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Tuesday 21 November 2023

IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer: Talk about someone you know who has moved to a new accommodation

IELTS Model Speaking Answers Band 9, 2023

Here is a Band 9 Speaking Part 2 answer for the cue card “Talk about someone you know who has moved to a new accommodation”. This cue card has been seen recently in an IELTS exam in Malaysia. The answer below shows a good way to respond to this question.

Watch and listen in the video, or read the model answer below:

Speaking test

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about someone you know who has moved to a new accommodation. You should say

– who this person is
– when they moved
– where they moved to and why

and explain whether or not the move has had a positive impact on them.


Let me tell you about my cousin Sarah, she’s awesome! So, around six months ago, she snagged this fantastic job in the city and had to move. The place she found is this cute little apartment right in the middle of all the city buzz. You know, she used to live in our quiet little town, so this move was a big change for her.

She was super pumped about the new job. I mean, who wouldn’t be? The city life was a bit overwhelming for her at first, but now she’s loving it! One of the coolest things she did after moving was joining dance classes. She’s always been into dancing, and now she’s part of this groovy dance group in the city. It’s like a dream come true for her.

And the social scene in the city? It’s on fire! There are art exhibitions, music festivals, and loads of live gigs. Sarah’s practically at every event. Plus, she’s made tons of friends who share her love for dancing. The city’s diverse culture is like a melting pot, and Sarah’s totally soaking it in.

Seeing her thrive in this new environment is amazing. She’s more confident, so full of life. The change has been transformative, to say the least. I guess the city lights just suit her well!

Read more model answers on the VIP Club website

The post IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer: Talk about someone you know who has moved to a new accommodation first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Monday 20 November 2023

IELTS Speaking questions from Ghana – November 2023

IELTS Speaking New Questions Ghana November 2023

Our subscriber RS took IELTS in Ghana last week and was asked the following Speaking questions.

Try and answer them no matter what country YOU are taking the test in, because Speaking questions are known to repeat all over the world.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Where are you from?
– Can you describe your hometown?
– What do you like about your hometown?
– Are tea and coffee popular in your hometown?
– Which is more popular in your country, tea or coffee?
– Do you prefer tea or coffee?
– When you have people over, what do you serve them, tea or coffee?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe an activity you did that made you feel tired. You should say

– which activity it was
– when you did it
– where you did it

and explain why this activity made you feel tired.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– When do people usually feel tired?
– Do people feel tired these days more than in the past?
– Do people get enough free time after work these days?
– Do people have fewer holidays now compared to the past?
– What is the difference between feeling tired after studying or working and feeling tired after playing sports?
– Do people who are involved in their work get to have fun?
– Do older people get tired more easily than younger people?

The post IELTS Speaking questions from Ghana – November 2023 first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Sunday 19 November 2023

New IELTS test questions – November 2023 (Academic Module)

IELTS Academic New Questions Iran November 2023

Our wonderful subscriber SM from Iran remembered a lot of information from her IELTS test this weekend. Here are the Writing and Speaking questions she had:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

The charts below show the average retirement age for men and women in 2004 and 2008 in seven countries.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Retirement Age of Men and Women in 7 Countries

* Note: these aren’t the actual charts given in the test, they were recreated for the purpose of demonstration.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

In many countries, students leave high school without learning how to manage their money. Why is that the case? What could be done to tackle the issue?

Speaking Test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Where are you from?
– Did you eat ice cream as a child?
– Are there shops selling ice cream near where you live?
– Have you made your own ice cream before?
– What is your favorite day of the week?
– What is your least favorite day?
– What is the busiest day of the week for you?
– Is there anything that you do every day?
– What do you usually do on weekends?
– Are weekdays and weekends the same for you?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a traditional celebration (a festival or ceremony) in your country that you enjoy. You should say:

– what it is
– what you do to celebrate it
– who you celebrate it with

and explain why you enjoy it.

Speaking Part 3 (Discussion)

– Is it important for children to learn about traditional festivals at school?
– Do children like to learn about traditional festivals?
– Why do people celebrate traditional festivals?
– Are traditional festivals disappearing?
– Is music important in traditional festivals?
– Do you think good food and drinks are important at celebrations?
– Do people pay attention to traditional costumes?
– Should children learn about traditional costumes at school?

The post New IELTS test questions – November 2023 (Academic Module) first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Thursday 16 November 2023

Victor’s Success Story: Scoring Band 7 in IELTS with Strategic Online Preparation

IELTS High Scorer's Advice Band 8 Tips November 2023

This post is dedicated to the smashing success of our wonderful VIP Club Member, Victor, who soared to an impressive Band 7 in his IELTS exam.


Victor is an aspiring migrant to Australia from Peru and a native Spanish speaker. He embarked on his IELTS preparation journey with a clear goal: to achieve a Band 7 score and get a visa to Australia. His journey led him to our IELTS Online Prep platform, where he found the resources and support he needed to succeed.


Victor needed a comprehensive preparation strategy that would not only familiarise him with the IELTS format but also enhance his skills in all four components of the test. With a particular focus on speaking and writing, he looked for resources that offered practical, exam-like experience.


As soon as he discovered our website, Victor immediately joined as a VIP Club member and got access to our range of mock tests, finding them remarkably similar to the actual IELTS exam. This realistic practice was crucial in building his confidence and test-taking skills.

Victor expressed his appreciation, saying, “Your website has fantastic mock tests to practice, and I engaged immediately after checking it out.”

Key aspects of our platform that Victor found invaluable included:

  1. Model Answers on the VIP Club Website: “I found the model answers on the VIP Club website very useful, with relevant examples for both the writing and speaking sections with great vocabulary,” Victor noted. These resources provided him with high-quality examples, incorporating relevant content and advanced vocabulary.
  2. Mock Tests: “The mock tests on the IELTS Online Prep platform were 100% similar to the real IELTS test, and this was the most valuable part for me,” Victor shared. These tests were instrumental in his preparation, helping him understand the test format and time management.
  3. IELTS-Blog App: Victor found this tool particularly helpful for speaking practice, describing it as “very friendly and straightforward.”


Victor’s dedicated preparation culminated in him taking the IELTS test in October. Despite feeling nervous, especially in the speaking section, he achieved an impressive overall band score of 7. His lowest band was 6.5 in speaking, which he attributes to exam-day nerves, because his performance in the mock test was much, much better.

Feedback and Acknowledgment

Victor extends his gratitude to our team, especially teacher Camden, for providing detailed and constructive feedback on his speaking mock tests. He credits the success of his IELTS journey to the comprehensive resources and support provided by our platform, saying, “I couldn’t have made it without reading and practicing on your website.”


Victor’s story proves yet again how effective your IELTS preparation becomes with the right guidance and resources. His achievement of Band 7 not only marks a significant milestone in his migration journey but also serves as an inspiration to other IELTS test takers. We are proud to have played a part in Victor’s success and wish him all the best in his future endeavours in Australia.

Congratulations on your amazing Band 7, Victor!

Best IELTS test result November 2023

The post Victor’s Success Story: Scoring Band 7 in IELTS with Strategic Online Preparation first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Monday 13 November 2023

IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer: Talk about a house you visited that would be perfect for you

IELTS Model Speaking Answers Band 9, 2023

Here is a Band 9 Speaking Part 2 answer for the cue card “Talk about a house you visited that would be perfect for you”. This cue card has been seen recently in an IELTS exam in India. The answer below shows a good way to respond to this question.

Watch and listen in the video, or read the model answer below:

Speaking test

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about a house you visited that would be perfect for you. You should say

– where it was
– what it looked like
– how you felt when you saw it

and explain why you think this house would be perfect for you.


Oh, there was this house I visited a while back when I was in Brighton for a weekend getaway. It was tucked away on the edge of town, and honestly, it felt like it was straight out of a dream. The place had this really laid-back vibe, with lots of trees around and a view that could knock your socks off.

The house itself? It was this cool little cottage that looked like it belonged in one of those home magazines, but still super inviting. It had a neat little garden out front, and a charming front porch that just made you feel welcome right away.

Inside, it was just as awesome. The living room had this big, comfy sofa that faced a fireplace, and I could totally see myself chilling there on a rainy day. The kitchen was the best part, though. It was all modern where it counts, but still had this old-school charm to it.

When I walked in, I felt like I could move in tomorrow and not change a thing. It just had this vibe that felt right, you know? It was peaceful, but not too out in the sticks, and it just had this warm, homey feel.

I think this place would be perfect for me because it’s got that escape-from-the-city kind of peace, but it’s not too far out. I could keep up with my hobbies, have friends over, and just enjoy life at a slower pace. Plus, it felt like it had character, and that’s something you don’t find just anywhere.

Read more model answers on the VIP Club website

The post IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer: Talk about a house you visited that would be perfect for you first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Sunday 12 November 2023

IELTS Speaking questions from India – November 2023

IELTS Speaking New Questions India November 2023

GK took IELTS in India last week and remembered the following Speaking questions:

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Where are you from?
– What did you dream about as a child?
– What kind of ambitions do young people in your country have?
– Let’s talk about days off.
– What do you do when you have a day off?
– What did you do as a child when you had a day off from school?
– Who was more important to you in your childhood, parents or friends?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a sport you like to watch. You should say

– what it is
– when you watch it
– who you watch it with

and explain why you like watching it.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– What sport do people in your country like to watch?
– What is the most popular sport in your country that people play?
– Do you think it is important for children to play sports at school?
– What sport should schools in your country introduce?
– Who do you think benefits more from sports, children or adults?
– What is the main purpose of sports?

The post IELTS Speaking questions from India – November 2023 first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Thursday 9 November 2023

IELTS test questions from Pakistan and Sri Lanka – November 2023 (Academic Module)

IELTS Academic New Questions Pakistan November 2023

From the information our subscribers shared, it seems that this week’s IELTS exams in Pakistan and Sri Lanka were the same. Here are the Reading topics and Writing questions test takers remembered:

Reading Test

Passage 1. Coral reefs, a text regarding a study about fish on the Great Barrier Reef.
Passage 2. A study regarding music and brain activity.
Passage 3. A review of a book about city transformation and city life.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

The chart below shows the number of houses sold in 8 cities in the world for more than 5 Million US dollars in 2009 and 2014.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Recent IELTS question Writing Task 1

* Note: this isn’t the actual chart given in the test, it was recreated for the purpose of demonstration.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

The tendency of news reports in the media to focus more on problems and emergencies than on positive developments is harmful to individuals and the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

The post IELTS test questions from Pakistan and Sri Lanka – November 2023 (Academic Module) first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Wednesday 8 November 2023

IELTS Speaking questions from Malaysia – November 2023

IELTS Speaking New Questions Malaysia November 2023

AB took IELTS in Malaysia very recently and remembered the following Speaking questions:

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or are you a student?
– Where do you work?
– How many hours do you work per week?
– Are able to concentrate easily at work?
– What helps you concentrate at work?
– When you were in school, did you find it easy to concentrate?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about someone you know who has moved to a new accommodation. You should say

– who this person is
– when they moved
– where they moved to and why

and explain whether or not the move has had a positive impact on them.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Do you think that nowadays young people have to become independent at a younger age compared to the past?
– How does moving out of the family home contribute to a young person’s sense of independence?
– What responsibilities do young adults typically face when they move out and live on their own?
– What are the common challenges faced by young people when they first move out of their parents’ home?
– How can financial challenges impact a young person’s ability to live independently?
– Do you think moving out affects the relationship between parents and their children? In what way?

The post IELTS Speaking questions from Malaysia – November 2023 first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Tuesday 7 November 2023

IELTS test in Malaysia – November 2023 (General Training)

IELTS General Training Latest Questions Ghana October 2023

Thanks to our kind subscriber A, here are the Writing topics from yesterday’s IELTS exam in Malaysia:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)

Your friend invited you to go with him/her to a concert next week, however, you are unable to come. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

– Let your friend know why you can’t go to the concert
– Suggest another activity you can do together
– Explain why you think your friend would enjoy this activity

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Some people think that students should learn cooking at school, while others believe that this is a waste of school time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Tips for success in the IELTS Writing Test

To get a high Band Score for your letter, make sure that you

  • Address each bullet point clearly.
  • Organise your ideas in paragraphs – write 1 paragraph on each bullet point.
  • Use the correct tone and vocabulary – in a letter to a friend use informal language.
  • Manage your time – allocate time for planning, writing and proofreading, and spend no more than 20 minutes in total on Writing Task 1.

To write an essay that will score well in IELTS, make sure that you

  • Make your position clear throughout the essay.
  • Structure your essay correctly – there should be an introduction, body and conclusion.
  • Use formal vocabulary.
  • Use a mix of sentence types (simple, compound, complex) to show your language proficiency.
  • Leave some time to proofread your essay before turning it in.

The post IELTS test in Malaysia – November 2023 (General Training) first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Sunday 5 November 2023

IELTS Speaking questions from India – November 2023

IELTS Speaking New Questions India November 2023

Thanks to the generosity of MK who took the test on the weekend, we’ve just received these recent IELTS Speaking questions from India.

Preparation Tip: Do a practice session where you answer all of these questions and record yourself. If you don’t have enough ideas for questions on a particular topic, research it and write down some vocabulary words and how to use them in a sentence.

After recording your answers, listen to them and look for fluency (frequent pausing, self-correction, hesitation) or pronunciation problems. Then re-record the questions you’re not happy with, and this time try to sound more fluent and pronounce the words better. Take a Speaking Mock Test online, read your Examiner’s feedback and learn how to score higher.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or are you a student?
– How many hours do you work in a week?
– What do you love about your work?
– What kind of things do you need to help you work efficiently?
– What do you do on weekends?
– Do you do the same things on weekdays?
– If you had a chance to change one thing you do on weekdays, what would it be?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about a house you visited that would be perfect for you. You should say

– where it was
– what it looked like
– how you felt when you saw it

and explain why you think this house would be perfect for you.

Read & listen to a Band 9 answer about your dream home here

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Does the cost of housing affect people’s choices when it comes to their perfect house?
– Do you think people from different cultures have the same idea of a perfect house?
– Do you think the place where people live can affect their way of life?
– What are the most common types of houses in your country?
– What are the advantages of living in an old house?
– Are there disadvantages to living in an old house? What are they?
– In your opinion, what features of traditional houses should be preserved in modern homes?

The post IELTS Speaking questions from India – November 2023 first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Saturday 4 November 2023

Mastering IELTS: Insider Advice from a Top Scorer (Band 8)

IELTS High Scorer's Advice Band 8 Tips October 2023

Achieving a high score in the IELTS exam is a significant milestone, and for those of you aiming for Band 8, it often seems like a daunting challenge. That’s exactly why we keep gathering valuable insights from successful candidates who know first-hand what it takes.

One such achiever is Laura Fernandez from Spain, who scored an impressive Overall Band 8.0 in the IELTS test. Laura’s story is truly inspiring, because it proves that with the right preparation materials and dedication, you can conquer the IELTS exam and achieve your desired score.

Laura’s superpower was her comprehensive approach to exam preparation. When asked about her advice for fellow candidates, she emphasised the importance of a well-rounded preparation focusing on all four skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

Best IELTS test result October 2023

Laura said,

“To be honest, I would recommend all candidates taking the IELTS test to prepare themselves very well in all four skills. It is true that grammar and vocabulary are important, but many tend to focus a lot on these aspects and not so much on reading and listening comprehension, for example”.

Another piece of advice Laura shared resonates deeply with IELTS test takers: the value of mock tests. She stressed the importance of practicing with a variety of mock tests, perfecting your skills and time management in real exam conditions.

“They should do as many mock tests as they can because they will never be enough,”Laura said, adding a touch of humour to her earnest recommendation.

Laura credited her success to the resources she used during her preparation. She mentioned relying on High Scorer’s Choice practice test books, which evidently played a pivotal role in helping her achieve her remarkable Band 8.0 score. The right study materials can make a significant difference, because nothing can replace targeted practice and valuable insights into the exam format and question types.

As you’re about to hit the books, remember Laura’s advice: focus on all four skills, don’t neglect reading and listening comprehension, and practice with a variety of mock tests. And last but not least – get in touch if you feel stuck and need help! That’s what we’re here for.

The post Mastering IELTS: Insider Advice from a Top Scorer (Band 8) first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog

Wednesday 1 November 2023

New IELTS Speaking questions from India – October 2023

IELTS Speaking New Questions India October 2023

KB took the test in India very recently and remembered the following IELTS Speaking questions:

Preparation Tip: Do a practice session where you answer all of these questions and record yourself. If you don’t have enough ideas for questions on a particular topic, research it and write down some vocabulary words and how to use them in a sentence.

After recording your answers, listen to them and look for fluency (frequent pausing, self-correction, hesitation) or pronunciation problems. Then re-record the questions you’re not happy with, and this time try to sound more fluent and pronounce the words better. Take a Speaking Mock Test online, read your Examiner’s feedback and learn how to score higher.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like your work?
– Do you have friends?
– Are you in touch with them?
– How often do you spend time with your friends?
– What do you usually enjoy doing together?
– Can you tell me about your best friend?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a house you would like to own in the future. You should say

– what kind of house it would be
– where you would like it to be
– what features or facilities you would like it to have

and explain why you would like to own such a house in the future.

Read & listen to a Band 9 answer about your dream home here

Part 3 (Discussion)

– How many types of houses are there in your area?
– What are the advantages of living in an old house?
– What are the disadvantages of living in an old house?
– Why do young people prefer to live in the cities?
– In terms of housing, what are the main differences between living in urban areas and rural areas?
– Are there advantages to living in rural areas compared to urban areas, especially concerning housing?

The post New IELTS Speaking questions from India – October 2023 first appeared on IELTS-Blog.
from IELTS-Blog